Sunday, March 2, 2008

Get Your Mind (out of the pew and) Into The Gutter

The title of this post is a mouth-full, but it is something that I feel very passionate about. A friend of mine recently began talking about the church "being sent". For me, this means leaving the comfort of their church pews and getting out of their church shaped box.

I know, for me, for many years, my life was centered around "church". Brick and mortar church. The institution, the programs, the meetings, the Christian friends. I did not have time for anything else. I heard about evangelism, but found that it just didn't work for me. I had too much going on. I had the worship team and drama team, the women's ministry team, Sunday school and small groups, homeschooling with my other Christian homeschooling friends, not to mention my family responsibilities. My husband and children fell in there.....somewhere. That was my life. For nearly 17/18 years.

And then something happened. Our church began a Sunday school class based on the book that centered on "becoming a contagious Christian" (or was it courageous Christian?). Anyway, we began to talk about leading our friends, families, and neighbors to the Lord. My eye twitches to this day, when I remember some of the idealistic ideas of my Christian friends. Many, if not most, of these people had grown up in "church attending" families and homes. They just thought, "become someones friend and within a few months you could lead them to Jesus." This meant sharing the four spiritual laws with them, quoting them scripture and they would fall on their knees and give their lives over to God. They apparently did not know the same people as me.

Someone I love very much said to me (concerning the Bible), "Do you really believe everything you read in that book?" Wow! I bet quoting scripture to them would just REALLY change their heart.

I'm sorry about my sarcasm, but this "Christian Bubble Bible" thinking, to me, is incredibly unrealistic and I believe the reason so many people just don't want to attend church. I just do not think the "formulas" work anymore.

I do believe in the power of the Bible. I also believe that just loving a person where they are goes a long way. I have heard too many Christian being more concerned about their non-church-going friends "changing" than just "loving" them where they are at.

For me, it's not just about leaving the pew and going out to pass out tracts, it's about accepting people where they are. Loving them "in the gutter". In the dirty and broken places of their hearts. Just "loving" them. Accepting them.

This is who Jesus is. This is how He loves us. The last I heard, Christians are suppose to be like Him.

Don't you want to be loved no matter what? No matter how you feel or act?

I do. And I am. By Jesus.

So I will be writing about this......"gutter" thinking. And, really, I want to know your opinion, so please comment.


Paul Dazet said...

Great post - thanks!

Unknown said...

This goes along with the info I have been receiving lately... we are not a real disciple untill we go outside the four walls of the church building.. How we love out in the World is the witness if who we relly are- not ho we portray ourselves as being.. this is a statement I just read- Somewhere - and it is soooooooooooooooogood!
"To do whatever is required of you in any situation without it becoming a role that you identify with is an essential lesson in the art of living that each one of us is here to learn." Jesus met the needs of the people outside of the pew. So also shall I. SUSAN

PRS & ALS said...

Good stuff Carla. I thought too that we are all dirty and broken people that God is continuing to heal and mend. And we are able to partner with God because we understand what it is to be broken and in need of God's healing touch.

Birdie said...

Absolutely! We are no different than anyone else. We call the "non-churched"....the lost. But there are still days that I feel "lost". There are days I doubt. There are sometimes weeks and months that I hurt. There are still broken places in my heart. I wonder if the difference is that I know to turn to Jesus with all of that stuff and He helps me. I need to be reminded that I could help others turn to Him also and I could turn to Him for them. Thanks, Amy.

Scott Couchenour said...

How beautiful an explanation of serving (loving versus changing)!

Perhaps it's in the loving people where they are that God can do the changing. Kind of like how the sky provides the space for the sun to shine.

Nice post!

Dave and Betsy's Blog said...

Carla - I really enjoyed this post, and I couldn't agree with you more. Thanks for your honesty and courage to think and act this way! I really admire that about you. We (traditional church goers or have beens) have to get away from the idea that we are the "saviors" and just walk alongside people... that transformation comes not by us but by being with people, God works in both of us as we walk alongside we learn from each other and from God. I agree with you, let's get rid of the formulas and the "right" ways of doing things and just try to be present with people.

Sam said...

The sarcasm was a welcome treat. And you're so very right in all you said. Thanks for sharing your heart.