Monday, June 30, 2008


I have a friend who recently wrote a post on "Shame" on her blog. It was different than what I am writing today.
I want to be able to articulate my feelings in such a way that will truly tell the truth of what is in my heart.
I am poor. Not just poor in spirit. Just plain poor.
Monetarily poor. Our family lives under the national poverty income guidelines. We struggle from week to week and month to month and year to year.
Today I had a whopper of an arguement with God. I hate being poor. I told him. He said "I called you to this."
I said, "I don't WANT to be poor!"
He said, "Yes you do. You want my will."
He's blessed right@!!!!
The problem isn't that being poor is bad. The problem is that being poor in this country is viewed as "shameful".
Fingers are wagged at us constantly and make us feel like we are lazy!
My husband works in a place that burns toxic waste and he sandblasts their tanks. In a hazmat suit. In ninety degree weather. And HE's LAZY????
I work for a place that serves other people just like me. I see them every day. People struggling from one pay check to another. People who have cancer and can't work. People who's children have a disability and they have to stay home and care for them. People who worked all of their lives and then had their pensions and retirement ripped away from them and can't get more than $10. a month in food stamps.
And yet we're made to feel shameful.
Well, here's what I say to you...middle class and upper class America.
SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Shame on you when you roll your eyes at homeless people as you drive by in your SUV feeding your children their third McDonald's meal in the backseat of your vehicle.
Shame on you when you sit watching the news on your large screen TV in your beautiful home and judge your neighbor who is sitting on their front porch with three other families living with them because they can't afford to pay rent at three different places and must share a three bedroom home for 11 people.
Shame on you when you make comments about people going to food giveaways at organizations and are concerned that they may go to more than one place and get food more than once a month from someplace. It's a shame that they only go to Sam's Club to take advantage of the free samples because they can't afford to fill their cart with all the lovely bulk items that you can.
Shame on you because you can help and you don't.
You don't want to enable them. Enable them to.....survive?
So, if I've offended someone today. Well, I'm sorry.
I don't want to feel shame anymore. I want to help as much as I am able to.
I, too, am to blame for these shameful things. The shameful attitudes towards others. So shame on me.
God help us to be like You and give out of whatever we have to those who have less. And sometimes even to those who have more. Just help us to be like you.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Takin' It To The Streets by The Doobie Brothers

You don't know me but I'm your brother
I was raised here in this living hell
You don't know my kind in your world
Fairly soon the time will tell

You, telling me the things you're gonna do for me
I ain't blind and I don't like what I think I see

Takin' it to the streets
Takin' it to the streets
Takin' it to the streets
Takin' it to the streets

Take this message to my brother
You will find him everywhere
Wherever people live together
Tied in poverty's despair

You, telling me the things you're gonna do for me
I ain't blind and I don't like what I think I see

Takin' it to the streets
Takin' it to the streets
Takin' it to the streets
Takin' it to the streets

Monday, June 16, 2008

Being "Out There"

I've told this story before, but I think it's been about a I'm telling it again.

About two years ago, my girlfriend and I went to a local Christian bookstore and were browsing when a certain book caught my eye. I cannot remember the title of the book, but I remember the emphasis of the tag line. It was something about how Satan is everywhere and this book was going to help you recognize him in all those places that you frequent and never realized he was there.

I must admit, I could have rolled my eyes from the store to the next county. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Bla, bla, bla.

I know, I know. Satan is on TV and in movies and magazines and books and in bars and restaurants. He's behind every nook and cranny. Beware! Beware!

Okay....drama queen.

But just as quickly as these feelings assaulted me, there came a nudging from God.

"He is everywhere. But so am I, and I'm much bigger."


As if a light bulb went on, I realized the immense attack on the church. Satan is out there. He's everywhere. So make sure you're safe. Stay in the church. Drench yourself in your church activities, and Bible studies, and small groups. Go on Sunday, Sunday night, and every other night if you can. Just make sure you don't have time to.....(gasp)....go out there.


Here's the dangerous genius in this. Satan knows, that if he could keep us in church and away from everyone else.....we can't influence what's happening "out there".

You may be thinking...."yeah? so?"

This was a huge epiphany for me. (okay, so maybe I'm a bit slow). But just think.....if we spent less time in the church building and activities and more time "out there" like Him....loving like Him.....just...being like Him; think....what's the results.

Maybe....(and I know this may sound a bit.....fantastic)....maybe...if we were "out there" more....being like Jesus...maybe we could make huge strides in helping people see Him....know Him....know His love.

Now, before you grab your backpack and fill it with tracts and water bottles with scripture to throw at everyone you meet....THIS IS NOT WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT.

NEWSFLASH....This is just plain annoying. People will run away when they see you coming. They'll laugh at you. In the end, you will have had less of an influence on them (as in shining God's light) and you would be more of a laughing stock. AND an annoyance!

What I'm talking about is just "being there". Living your life Jesus actually lives inside of you. Accepting people. Loving them. Laughing with them.

So....with this. I've had an idea that I'm throwing "out there" to you and anyone you may know that may be interested in what I'm throwing at you. Got that?

Anyway....I have been, for years, wanting to start a comedy team that would go into bars, churches, parties....wherever God would open doors. It wouldn't perform "christian" stuff. It would just perform short comedy skits, much like, (sit down) Saturday Night Live or Carol Burnett (my hero). It would not be improv, because I'm not very sure I can do improv. It would perform original skits that I have written (or anyone else). They would be "safe". Thus the name of the team would be....

Squeaky Clean Comedy Relief

It would be fun, sometimes incredibly stupid, and sometimes incredibly intelligent, but the goal is.....(are you ready for this?)

To make people laugh.


I'm quite serious. (I made a funny.)

So, if you are someone who is gifted in this area or interested in seeing if you are gifted in this area and being part of something like this...or have some ideas...or you are interested yourself, Please comment!

We'll be in touch and we'll talk and have coffee and brainstorm and maybe even pray. Let me know what you think.

Wanna be "out there"?