Friday, February 27, 2009

The Mansion Or The Marriage

About 6 months ago, a group of my friends were talking with me. A few of them were not church "goers", but had some questions and the rest of us were attempting to answer them. One of the things I noticed, was that some of those who did attend church said that as Believers our goal is to get to heaven. I disagreed. I said I believed our goal is to be in a relationship with God. One person cut me off and said, "Same thing..." and then continued to talk.

I let them continue. But the next day, when the same group was together I was able to express how I felt, thanks to a good friend of mine who helped me put my feelings into words.

My friend said, "Why did you get married? Was it because you loved that person or you wanted their house?"

It was a simple statement that has stuck with me and helped me to put clarity to a very important principle.

As Believers, do we accept Jesus into our hearts so we could go to heaven? I think many of us do. But if that is the goal, what do we do with the rest of our lives?

I believe that the goal is to be in a relationship with Jesus. Heaven....the a benefit of the relationship. The mansion should not be the goal.

If it is, then we could ask Jesus into our hearts and then live any way we want because we'll get to heaven. And haven't we seen people who live this way?

But this goes against Jesus' words. His words "...take up your cross and follow me...." What He's saying here is to live like He lived. Love like He loved. A life of grace, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, could read all about it in the Bible.

Another way that Jesus lived is by being relevant to the culture and times He lived in.

Are we? Or are we trying to be relevant to the culture and times that Jesus lived in...which in many ways is irrelevant to this age and culture.

One Sunday morning in church a discussion arose concerning this very thing. A friend of mine felt that we could be like Jesus by being different than the world, because Jesus was different than the world.

But what does this truly mean? Does this mean we don't smoke, don't drink, don't associate with sinners?

Umm. Actually that is the opposite of being like Jesus. Jesus actually DID eat and drink with sinners. If you read the Bible, you will see in the book of Matthew, chapter nine, the Pharisees (the religious leaders of the day) were upset with Jesus because He ate with sinners and tax collectors.

When I read the scriptures, it appears to me that the way that Jesus was different in the world was because of the grace and love and compassion and kindness (etc.) that he showed to sinners. The time he spent with them, living with them, talking with them. He was their friend.

There was a time in my own life that I felt that this was the way God wanted me to live: not associating with sinners. I thought I should be totally consumed by church and church like things. My vocabulary was very religious. I did everything the church told me to do without really taking into account how it effected those around me who did not attend church. But now I see what a bunch of bunk that was. It's actually the opposite of how Jesus lived His life. He didn't do what the religious leaders of the day told Him to. He did what He felt His Father told Him in spite of what the religious leaders thought. This is why He and the Pharisees were always butting heads. They lived the rules and He live the Life His Father wanted Him to.

The scripture that I believe best depicts this is in Matthew 7:

"17Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
21"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' 23Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'

It's not about the mansion, it's about the relationship...the marriage. Being who He wants us to be...not what the church may want or say is the way.

I'm NOT anti-church. I DO attend a church. I am encouraged to be out in the world being a light to those around me. I believe to do this I must be relevant to my culture. I believe that this is what Jesus meant when He said to "follow Me".

It's not about how we's about who we are. We are His Bride. Are we in love with our Lover or His House...Mansion...Heaven.

I think if we are in love with Him...we will shine His light. I'm not sure if that is truly possible if our only goal is to get to His house (heaven).

So...what do you think?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's Just Me!

I realize I haven't written anything in a little bit. I always feel that I MUST write something deep or significant. But then I read my other friend's blogs and I find depth and significance in what they write just about themselves. Not that anyone would find the same thing here.

So here goes!

My life is changing. My surroundings. My friends. It happens. I've been surprised by change, but also have come to expect it. Sometimes I accept it and sometimes I fight it.

I fought my son moving out of our house. I knew it was coming. We have always butted heads and living together was so much tension. We love each other, but seemed to always get in each other's way. When he moved out, it was not out of anger or because of disagreements. I am so grateful for that. I wasn't thrilled that he was moving in with a girl, but I wasn't surprised either. I refused to be the parent who says, "If you walk out that door....don't come back."

I love my son and I wanted our relationship to remain, no matter how tense it could be.

This has been a good change in some ways. I have seen him mature in many ways. He now lives by himself. I pray for him daily and ask God to help him make smart choices. I know at times he will not....after all, not all of my choices at 18 were smart. Some of them were downright idiotic.

He has maintained employment for about 5 years. A paper route, Dairy Queen, Arby's, Joanne Etc., and now R Pizza. And I feel for someone of his age, that this is an accomplishment and I am proud of him.

So anyway, that's one change.

Early in the mornings, at 7:30 a group of children wait on the corner near our house for the school bus to the high school and middle school. I use to be able to look out a window and watch Olivia and Nick walk there, backpacks on their backs or in their hands, and stand and wait. Now they are no longer there. Both have not graduated from school and are working through an online high school to get their diplomas.

We have come full circle.

We homeschooled them both until they were in 3rd grade and then put them in public school, realizing that we did not have the knowledge needed to continue.

But now, with online schools, they really can be self-taught.

I know so many who shake their heads in disapproval. What about their socialization. My children do not live on a compound in Waco, Texas. They have more socialization than sometimes in needed. Besides, they don't need socialization in school as much as they need to focus on academics. It's just NOT an issue.

So there are times, I feel a slight.....really slight twinge of "awwww." You know; missing the days when they were young, going to the bus stop, playing. I may experience more of that when they are both out of the house. Right now, I'm enjoying the sense of freedom. I don't have to find a babysitter every time I want to do things with my friends....and Oh yeah...I can do things with my friends!

Another change: Saying good bye to some friends who are pursuing the mission field. And although they were in my life for a short time, I so enjoyed their friendship, even if it wasn't as close as I would have liked it. They are much younger than I, but really made an impression. I wish them Godspeed and blessing. Can't wait to hear how California is for them and then France! I wish I could throw tons of money their way to help them. (sigh)

Another great change is the beginnings of a "creative community". My friends, Amy, Sherri, John and I have been meeting on a regular basis and talking about working with local creative people; to help them get out in the community and become known and be encouraged in the the creative person that God has meant for them to be.

From visual artists, to writers, actors, singers, musicians, inventors, seamstresses, dancers, film makers, entrepreneurs, etc.; we want to see people being who God intended them to be.

It seems since we have been getting together that there have been other clusters of people getting together and talking about moving out into areas of their creative gifts that perhaps they didn't have the motivation to in the past. I am anticipating some incredible things as I look to the future of what God will be "creating" in individual's lives and in this area.

We will be hosting a workshop/conference weekend in March for people who are interested in seeing what's happening and I am very excited about it. I am. It's just me and what's happening here. I hope I didn't bore you too much. So what's happening with you?