I just laid down my copy of Oswald Chambers’ My Utmost For His Highest for about the third time this week, thinking once again, “What in the world is this guy talking about?”
I have been a Christian for almost 35 years and I can read most of the Bible and understand it…but this guy is way over my head.
I need a devotional that is a bit simpler.
One that answers the questions:
Does God love me when I scream at my children?
If my house is a mess am I walking in sin?
If I tell my boss that I’m not coming in because I’m sick…and really I’m not physically sick, but just sick of work…Is that a lie?
Am I going to experience spontaneous combustion if I’m muttering four letter words when some guy cuts me off in traffic?
I think that we live in a society that at times needs a much simpler way of devoting than how Oswald Chambers talks. Mind you I have friends that think he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. I personally prefer unsliced, whole wheat or rye bread. Does this make me spiritually weird?
Whatever happened to “love the Lord your God with all of your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.” If I remember correctly Jesus said that the entire law was summed up in these two commandments. Why must we make things so complicated?
I guess I’m just a simple person. I don’t like pomp and circumstance. I prefer sitting in the park listening to the birds chirp to listening to a choir in a church on Sunday morning.
I think it’s great that some people get all of this other stuff. My friends who oooohhhh & aaaahhhhh over Oswald Chambers are welcome to him. Maybe they will explain him to me some day and I’ll get him. But I’m happy watching a movie and letting God speak to me through that or listening to my CD of the ocean and calm music. I hear God in those things.
Oh, well. When I meet Ossie in heaven, I bet we’ll have a rip snortin’ time. Until then, I think I’ll just sit his book next to my armchair and let it look nice.
Contento Reunion 2009
15 years ago